ONE Platform for Viswakarma Community




VOICE [Viswakarma Online Integration towards Community Empowerment] thanks you for visiting your community website and this website is growing with your patronage. So we solicit your suggestions and comments regarding this website.

  • We want to make this site a THE community site and one stop for all the community information. We are working to reach through out the world and address viswakarma community of all languages and regions.
  • Due to lack of a single platform (unity!), we are politically & socially neglected, marginalized not identified compared to some other communities. This is an hour of need to come together and address un-solved issues related to our community.

Let us use this platform to exchange our views. TOGETHER, WE CAN.

We appreciate, if you could spread word about this site.  We will be publishing newsletter every month from our side and we would like you to register in this website.

Thank You again and we need your continuous support. Please register & login to access all the articles or contact us for more info.


VOICE is a non-profit organisation that strives to create an online platform for VISWAKARMA COMMUNITY to facilitate the growth and prosperity of community members.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Ans.: VISWAKARMA.INFO is an international online Community portal operated from Bengaluru, INDIA.

1. What kind of content do you publish?

Ans.: News and Views of topics related to viswakarma community with an international perspective.

2. What is your business model?

Ans.: VOICE is a to-be-registered nonprofit in INDIA.

3. Why should people fund or donate to VOICE?

VOICE’s core philosophy is to produce quality journalism. Rather than producing content that ‘sells’, our focus is to educate the community through meaningful news reporting and story-telling. VOICE as a platform is committed to take up the issues in community interest.

Through in-depth analysis, opinions and information, VOICE strives to carve a niche in the media space as a truly community – spirited entity.

We draw our inspiration from the community and depend heavily on you to sustain ourselves.

4. Do you accept commercials or advertisements?

Ans.: We accept sponsorship by individuals, groups and businesses. To contact our marketing team, please drop an email

5. If I donate money to VOICE, will I have any control on the type of content that VOICE will publish?

Ans.: VOICE heavily depends up on support from donors and patrons like you . However, the news and story selection is done by a professional team of editors.

6. How can I get involved with VOICE?

Ans.: VOICE operates from Bengaluru. Your support is crucial to take VOICE to the next level. There are several ways to contribute to VOICE.

a) Donate money: VOICE is a Community-funded portal. This helps us maintain neutrality and objectivity. Please make your pledge today.

b) Submit Articles and writeup.

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