ONE Platform for Viswakarma Community


About Promoter / moderator

It is encouraging, you want to know more about me 🙂 Let me introduce, I am know as  “Manu”. One day it happened. When I was browsing to seek more information about our community on internet, I was shocked to know, the number of sites exclusively dedicated to our Viswakarma community , NONE. I thought let me take initiative and started this site on 1st June 2005. I also started The viswakarma online integration towards Community empowerment  (VOICE), a non-profit organization.

Initially I devoted most of my spare time to have some good contents and I like to thanks few of the community members who are helping me in this. The community can be built by its members and cannot be done by ONE PERSON. I started Yahoo group to gather like minded people and numbers are growing…..But I came across / found some very good friend like you, who are giving me moral support to carry on and work towards building a strong community site, which serves its purpose. I’m an OPTIMIST, thinks we can make this effort a success. On the journey, I came across so many intelligent and inspiring people on the way. They shared their thoughts and few shared their critics too. Some told, we need to address matrimony and I took initiative and hosted matrimony section. But some times I feel, most of the people are in rural India and cannot access internet, but those who are in good position and able to use technology can make a difference, which will help these rural community members. Last but not least, I would appreciate your donation towards this noble cause. Also your active participation in building this site. Get back to me, in what way, you can help us. I received few questions via email by visitors, I hope this will help you to understand my intentions

1. from which part of the country you are operating this site

I am operating / maintaining this website from Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Belongs to Abuvanasa Gothra.

2. what is your main intention of starting this website

The Main intention of the site is “To give back to community” as I feel everyone owes to the society and as we know, charity begins at home. I feel my community is also my extended family and thought let me start from here. The ultimate is to create a single platform for all Viswakarma’s through out the world to come in single platform and grow.

3. how many people are involved in updating the site

Depending on the job, I do outsource and get it done. I don’t have a dedicated team (Can’t afford!). I feel, someone has to start right! I can expect and wish a good soul like you can join and contribute.

4. Do you have a exclusive team to run the show

NO, I don’t have an exclusive team.

5. what is VOICE future plan with the website

To answer this question, I would like to tell you in points

  • I. To make this website pro active in addressing issues to clear & solve confusions, problems & misunderstandings. Lets tell about us to other people, which will have an impact on our community.
  • II. VOICE – we want to make this more active! I would like to see your help in this. We create a Global committee and be more involved with individual responsibilities. By this foundation, we would like to reach the needy, like helping poor kids to study and identify a student and take care of all the expense till he / she finishes 10th Std.
  • III. Create Scholarship, so that we can give an helping hand to the needs students at graduate level.
  • IV. Make more contribution to the society via our community and platform. I do welcome your ideas, suggestion & advice on this.

6.  Tell me more about your background

Well, I’m an Engineer with MBA from Canadian University and have been in sales /marketing since 15 Years. I’m married and living with my wife. Last but not least, THE COST – 🙂 I have been spending money from my own pocket and unfortunately I don’t have a deep one, where I can do all myself. If you can suggest a plan to make this self – sustaining, I would appreciate. I assume I’ve cleared your few doubts, still want to know more, send an email to me today.

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