ONE Platform for Viswakarma Community

Different ways of wearing Sandal for Viswabrahmins

Different ways of wearing Sandal for Viswabrahmins

Each gothra in our community has to wear a different sign on their fore head using sandal. These were formulated by KALAHASTHI MUNI who also wrote the Viswsabramma Puranam.
1. Saanaga rishi Gothra

They are followers of rig veda and they must wear thiripundram i.e, three horizontal thick lines approximately six inches length using the right hang fore finger, middle finger and the ring finger.

  2. Sanaathana rishi Gothra

They are followers of yajur veda and they must wear oorthuvapundram i.e, a single thin line vertically upward starting from the junction of fore head and nose.

  3. Abunasa rishi Gothra

They are followers of sama veda and they must wear varthulakaram i.e, a filled circle centrally on the fore head.

  4. Prathnasa rishi Gothra

They are the followers of atharvana veda and they must wear pataakaaram i.e, a horizontal thick line.

  5. Suparnasa rishi Gothra

They are the followers of pranava veda and they must wear thiripundra ganthakshathai. i.e, a thick line using either middle or ring finger and followed by two lines in that using the tip of small finger which again looks like the thiripundram. In tamil it is called as keeru sandhanam.  

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