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Different names of Viswabrahmin

Different names of Vishwabrahmin and its meaning
Brahminism basically divided in to two groups.


It is only Vishwakarmabrahmins belong to PARUSHEYA Sect. Rest of all brahmins sects fall under Arsheya sect.
Vishwabrahmin are also known as Vishwakarma Brahmin since they have their origin from Lord Vishwakarma. They are called Panchal which means specialized in five different works; they are identical to Kavi, Madhvi, Suhastasour and Narashansha castes in ancient Vedic reference. They were called as rathakar because they used to make the chariot for ancient kings. In Madras they are called Kammalar. Vishwakarma Brahmins / Vishwa brahmins are called with the following names.

In South India:

Kammara,Kambara,Pathara,Shilpi, Bhadigere,Shilpi,Kancgara, Shett.
Chari, South India

In North India:

Panchal Brahmin
Dhiman Brahmin
Jangid Brahmin
Maithil Brahmin

Whilst many goldsmiths are descendants of Brahmin ancestry, people of the Kshatriya caste have also adopted the works of Vishwabrahmins, in particular, Goldsmith and Jewellery work. For example, in the Punjab region of North India, another group of Vishwakarmas/Goldsmiths exist, the Mair Rajputs, who have descended from the Rajput warriors of Rajasthan.

Consequently, Vishwabrahmins have surnames that are similar to those of the Brahmin or Kshatriya caste. For instance:

Brahmin: Verma, Sharma, Rao, Rastogi, Acharya/Achari, Chari, Jha, Ranjan, Dixit, Dhiman, Panchal
Kshatriya: Soni, Singh, Mair/Mayer/Mehr, Katta, Seth, Chauhan, Babbar, Rana, Sisodia, Gogna Shinh, Sehdev, Sudera, Kanda, Karwal

  1. nice article

  2. Love this article really nice proud to be viswakarma

  3. It is all because of k p nanjundi and team I have lot of respect for him being independently today we are recognised by society. Apart from some unpleasant attitude today all are coming at good track . Our community should work at selflessly .Moral values , respectful life, leader is born , develope mankind like leaders for each and every taluk and hobali to regain our golden movements for ever

  4. I respect all castes people but maithil brahmin is not viswakarma brahmin . maithil brahmin are panch gaud brahmin . jha , dixit surname belongs to kanyakubj & maithil brahmin .

  5. Precious detail/information regarding Vishwakarma Brahmins, Very rare people in india knows that “brahmin rishi gotras” also exists in Vishwakarma community.Really nice proud to be a vishwakarma.

  6. Nice article

  7. Hi, can I get some more information about gotra and more, my name is Atharva Dixit from Maharashtra.

  8. Say something about kalsi….my surname is kalsaitkar….because i need more info to share my children’s or younger…family member….

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