ONE Platform for Viswakarma Community


Om Viswakarmane Namaha!! –

An appeal to Creators:

We expect and anticipate a very valuable information from you in the following various sections :

  1. Informative articles on our culture and tradition (You may provide soft-copies.) 
  2. You can give information on any or all the sections referred to in the website. Information are given both in regional and English. Hence we expect translated forms from one another. 
  3. Please provide your surname, Gotra, Matta etc. to put under Surname section.
  4. You may provide information about Viswakarma Brahmins along with their/your presently residing country, region, area, profession, address (Present and permanent) with E-mail or any other data, if any.
  5. Information regarding the organization of Viswakarma Brahmins along with their place of existence/working etc. to include in the section of Organizations.
  6. Invitation/Reports of different programmed/functions arranged in organizational level as a public function, to incorporate in the section of News & Reports.
  7. A brief information/data of the children, 10th standard, with extra-ordinary intellectual level, excellence and distinctive IQ in any single or multifarious field, to include in the section of “District young Intellectuals/young geniuses.”

Financial Assistance :

We need not call your attention, as you may know the hardships and difficulties behind executing, maintaining and summing the website. For collecting information, data, informative articles and conducting seminars for discussing some important and burning issues we have to contact and invite scholars and experts in the respective subjects, we have a very great responsibility in these matters. where as effort is kept open for universal usage and information, such a kind of responsibility is very common and natural. Along with, it is the duty of all of us to provide genuine data to requisites & needs of the inquisitive web-visitors.

To executive all these responsibilities needless to say that a great deal of financial assistance is certainly necessary. Our website does not have any kind of monetary base. we have started the site merely by individual interest for the help of our community, without having any capital background or a fund of any type. This is one of the reasons why the effort has not gained a momentum and an expected progress. To accelerate this, the site need to have a found of its own to run smoothly so that the possibility of expanding and accelerating the process would be supported.

This website is a FORUM of Viswakarma Brahmins, for Viswakarma Brahmins and by Viswakarma Brahmins, mainly. We have to build the forum so that we can understand each other more well, correct our drawbacks, check and try to overcome our limitations, and limitations, and overall we can overview ourselves, periodically to improve & upgrade ourselves. It is the need of the hour to grow ourselves and let others to grow. In this regard all of us have to join our hands with each other. Thinking or discussing in group is far better than individual thoughts and efforts, for the progress of an endeavor.

During the time of working for the wholeness of the website your heartily co-operation is exclusively necessary. We expect your great cooperation in mobilizing capital. Your liberal financial assistance would be entertained whole-heartedly. At this juncture it is our duty and responsibility to assure you of the due and suitable utilization of the fund. You may make your payments through Credit Card/Debit card/ Cheque / D.D. or direct payment to our account.

Welcome to your valuable suggestions, doubts, questions etc. We respond in due respect.

Please bring to our notice any drawback, our limitations, suggestions for improvements and so on just to improvise our website.

Please do keep in mind to publicize our effort and inform others also to visit the site if you find some goodness which are worth-going through.

Let us build a bridge between our positive thinking minds. Let us put all our efforts to perpetuate our age old greatest Tradition. Contact us for more info

Contribution to the Cause

We appreciate your visit the the website and eager to, "How do you plan to contribute to the cause of empowering the community, get in touch with you today. Contact us

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Do you want to reach out to the community, contact us for advertising options on this website, contact us today!

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